Supporting Culinary Entrepeneurs Around the World

Kiva, an on-line microfinance site, allows individuals to contribute small sums of money to entrepenuers in the developing world.  An easy-to-use search function allows you to view food-related businesses, and for as little as $25, you can support a rice farmer in Cambodia, a butcher in Ghana or a “ice cake” maker in Samoa.

To date, Kiva has collected over $6 million from 60,000 individuals, impacting the lives of entrepeneurs in dozens of developing countries.

A vital piece of the CulinaryCorps mission is to help preserve the culinary heritage of a community through equal parts service and education.  We believe food plays an cheap oakley sunglasses instrumental role in keeping a community thriving. Kiva helps to safeguard culinary traditions directly by financially supporting the families running the food stands, market stalls and small farms that make their communities so vibrantly unique.

To watch a New York Time video on the organization, click here.  And for all those summer weddings on the horizon, sometimes it’s nice to know you have a gift option that pairs well with anything on a Crate and Barrel registry.

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