Our New Favorite Addiction


We found these funky bottles of CoolBrew at the local NOLA Whole Foods off of Magazine Street during our June trip.  After some in-store deliberation about how the http://www.oakleyonorder.com/ thing actually worked, we swept it into our cart and christened it as the morning caffeine of choice throughout the week.

One bottle contains 32 oz. of chicory coffee concentrate.  Brewed without heat, this sometimes bitter blend transforms into a slighty syrupy and flavorfully complex liquid.  Combine one “shot” from the unique contraption built into the bottle with 6 oz. of milk, a healthy dose of sugar syrup cheap oakley sunglasses and a few ice cubes…and well, you’ve got yourself one tasty iced beverage.

Yes, buying 32oz. bottles by the 6-pack from the CoolBrew on-line shop may be considered the cheaters version of the NYT’s do-it-yourself recipe but summer is all about letting go of the hassle in the heat, right?  We’re thinking a shot or two in our next batch of dark-chocolate brownies may really lead to some crazy alchemy.

One Response

  1. Yummy! I made my own cold-brew coffee from Cafe du Monde’s decaf blend. It’s great: no electricity required! And now I can drink as much coffee as I want because it’s less acidic. (The tannins dehydrate me like crazy.)

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