Looking At The Numbers

It has been almost two-years to the day since we first visited New Orleans. And having decided on that fateful weekend that, just maybe, as culinary professionals we could go beyond painting walls to give back to our communities, we are thrilled to say that these past 16 months have proven http://www.oakleyonorder.com/ that vision to be valid. In honor of our two-year “Anniversary of Epiphany” we wanted to post a few metrics we have captured along the way:

    16 Months of Culanthropy since March 2007
    5 Trips Launched to New Orleans & MS Gulf Coast
    76 Chef Alumni Recruited
    From 16 States including Puerto Rico
    3,500+ Meals Created
    240 Students Taught
    $35,000 Raised
    2 Alumni Who Have Relocated to New Orleans
    Countless shifts in life and work to make room for community involvement
    2 CulinaryCorps Inspired Tattoos

We have a lot to be proud of and the thanks belongs to all who have stepped up, stepped out and stepped in to make it possible.

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