Good Food in Action: La Cocina, San Francisco, CA

“Good Food in Action” profiles a food-based non-profit and highlights a current “culinary” volunteer opportunity within in the organization.  The purpose of these posts is to provide a resource for those looking to do service in the interim between CulinaryCorps trips. These are especially useful for CulinaryCorps alumni as well as cooks/chefs/culinary students who want to get involved in their community right away!

Here’s this week’s pick:

Organization/Program: La Cocina

Volunteer Opportunity: Technical Assitance Provider in the Incubator Kitchen

Location: San Francisco, CA

Start Date: Recruiting Now

Time Commitment:  Flexible

Organization Overview:

The mis­sion of La Cocina is to cul­ti­vate low-income food entre­pre­neurs as they for­mal­ize and grow their busi­nesses by pro­vid­ing afford­able com­mer­cial maglie calcio poco prezzo kitchen space, industry-specific tech­ni­cal assis­tance and access to mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties. We focus pri­mar­ily on women from com­mu­ni­ties of color and immi­grant com­mu­ni­ties. Our vision is that entre­pre­neurs will become eco­nom­i­cally self-sufficient and con­tribute to a vibrant econ­omy doing what they love to do.

San Francisco’s First Incu­ba­tor Kitchen La Cocina is a ground-breaking busi­ness incu­ba­tor designed to reduce the obsta­cles that often pre­vent entre­pre­neurs from cre­at­ing suc­cess­ful and sus­tain­able small busi­nesses.  By pro­vid­ing shared resources and an array of industry-specific ser­vices, busi­ness incu­ba­tors ensure small busi­nesses can succeed.

Volunteer Overview:

Tech­ni­cal assis­tance providers will offer indus­try– spe­cific assis­tance in areas of exper­tise. Exam­ples may include tax prepa­ra­tion, graphic design, recipe cost­ing, brand­ing and so more. These vol­un­teers pro­vide ser­vices at their con­ve­nience, and La Cocina will match pro­gram Cheap NFL Jerseys par­tic­i­pants with these providers when the ser­vices are offered.

We have found that one-on-one inter­ac­tion often yields the great­est rewards, though we also wel­come any work­shops or activ­i­ties that might be bet­ter exe­cuted in a group.

To Apply: Fill out a volunteer form or contact


[Many thanks to David Clemmons from for the lead!]

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